Monday 16 July 2012

Week 8 in the Baby Martin House

I am finally starting to feel pregnant... in a good way!  My clothes are starting to feel a little tighter and trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in at night takes a good while.  I thought this would happen after the baby had grown to a reasonable size but I am finding myself waking up in the night and tossing and turning trying to get into a position comfortable enough.  Some mornings I wake up and I am splayed across the whole bed in a starfish position, which makes me wonder where David slept - oops!  My boobs have got bigger and I have been out shopping to buy bigger cupsize bras.  Again I didnt think this would be happening so soon.

The morning sickness and dizziness has not subsided and some mornings I feel so weak, the thought of breakfast just makes me want to go back to bed.  I still havent physically been sick and I am thankful for that.  I have been getting cravings for salty food, mainly crisps, which I know is not healthy but it's the only thing sometimes I can face eating.  I am munching on cheddar biscuits at work to stave off the morning sickness!

I am sleeping upto 9 hours a night and wanting more as soon as I wake up.  Im sleeping on the bus into work and the bus home again.  I feel constantly tired and weary and feel like Ive got narcolepsy - nodding off at every opportune moment!  There are just not enough hours in the day!

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